Ultimate Guide: How To Put On A Headscarf In 2021
Are headscarves in fashion?

So many people ask, are headscarves in fashion in 2021? The answer is absolutely!
Headscarves are a fashion accessory that are as old as fashion itself! Headscarves have always come in and out of fashion over the years but they are making a strong comeback in the fall of 2021 and are certainly considered fashionable! They are a beautiful finishing touch to your outfit and can be worn in many different ways, we are certain that once given a chance the headscarf will become one of your favourite go-to accessories.
So many people feel intimidated by the simple headscarf as they do not know how to wear them or even have questions about who can wear headscarves when it comes to cultural appropriation! We have answered these queries below so why not stick around take a read through our top tips so we can convince you that buying a headscarf in 2021 is the right thing to do! Let us know what you think below!
Who Can Wear A Headscarf?

Headscarves have been seen as early as the 13th century where laws required women to practice veiling which was a method used to mark the difference between women’s social standing in society at the time. However headscarves have been worn throughout history for various different reasons and these can include spirituality, cultural significance, practicality and also fashion.
Throughout the years the headscarf has been adapted to become a fabulous hair accessory. It really took off during the 70s where headscarves became a popular fashion accessory and were adorned by people such as Goldie Hawn, Joanna Lumley, Princess Margaret, Audrey Hepburn, Debbie Harry and so many more style icons! The headscarf is a super way of keeping your hair from your face, protecting your hair from humidity and keeping fly aways in check! They are also perfect for adding some print to your accessory wardrobe! It is super versatile and one headscarf can be worn in so many different ways which we will talk about shortly.
How To Put On A Headscarf
The ponytail look:

The easiest way of wearing a headscarf is tying it around your ponytail! This is such a simple and quick way of adding a headscarf to your everyday look! It is so easy to do and adds a beautiful pop of colour and print to your outfit!
All you need to do is tie the scarf into a knot onto the back of your ponytail. If you are really worried about the scarf slipping off your hair - maybe if you have shorter hair or you are using a silk scarf - then you can just tie up your hair with a hair tie and then pull the scarf through the elastic and then tie it in a knot! This will keep the scarf nice and secure all day long!
The Babushka Look:

Known as the babushka on many social media channels due to its popularity with Russian women, this easy head scarf look is brilliant for rainy days or for humid weather if your hair suffers from frizz!
Start with a square headscarf and fold it diagonally. Than place it on your head an knot the two opposing ends underneath your chin! Easy peasy!
The Classic Hollywood Look:

Another quick and easy way to incorporate a headscarf into your everyday look is by wearing it like the stars used to wear it! Whether you're wearing it in warmer weather or have your convertible ready then this is an ideal look for summer or for the seasons ahead!
You will need a large square scarf for this look. Start by folding a square scarf in half diagonally, then take the two opposing ends and instead of knotting them under your chin pull the right side towards your left shoulder and the left side towards your right shoulder pull each side evenly towards the back of your neck and tie in a knot! Simple!
The Bandana:

This made a comeback in the late 90s and early 00s and was worn by teenage kids everywhere, myself included! 90s and 00s fashion is making a strong comeback this season and is certainly bringing back some questionable looks! However the bandana is a perfect summer look and is ideal for keeping the sun off your head or keeping fly always in check!
You will need a square scarf for this folded diagonally and just like the Babushka look you place the folded scarf on your head however instead of tying the front underneath your chin your tie the two opposing ends underneath your hair at the back of your neck!
The Twisted Headband:

This is a great look and a brilliant alternative to people who hate wearing classic headbands if they dig into the back of your ears or give you headaches because they are too tight!
All you need for this simple and soft headband is a square scarf. Fold it in half diagonally and then begin to roll or fold the scarf starting at the widest side and working your way toward the pointed corners. You can easily do this with a rectangular scarf as well, all you need to do is start folding it in from the side until you have reached your desired thickness or width. All you need to do now is place the scarf on your head and then tie the two ends underneath your hair at the back of your neck!
These are just some quick and easy looks that are perfect all year round!
Can Wearing A Headscarf Cause Hair Loss?

Many people have concerns that wearing a headscarf can make you lose hair. However there is no scientific evidence to show that wearing head scarves makes your hair fall out. What many people end up seeing is at the end of the day hair has become trapped in their headscarves. However this is nothing to worry about!
On average a normal person loses approx. 150 strands of hair a day. We normally do not notice these hairs falling out if we are not wearing a headscarf. It is just something that happens naturally as new hair starts to grow or older hair breaks away. However if you have been wearing a headscarf all day it may become more obvious just how much hair we lose a day as the hair has been trapped under the headscarf and when we take it off we can visible see just how much we have lost, which can lead us to believe it is the head scarfs fault! However because your hair has been falling out into the material it just means it has not been falling away naturally and instead is being kept secure underneath your scarf!
If you believe you are experiencing abnormal hair loss though then it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor!
Where Can I Buy A Headscarf?

You can now buy a headscarf on most fashion websites! They have become super popular over the last year! However Paco has some great versatile scarves perfect for this season. Paco scarves can easily be worn with your favourite outfit AND can easily be worn as a headscarf! Paco have a super range of colours and materials to choose from from retro 70s prints to plain simple colours. There is something for everyone and you can easily shop online or in any of our stores nationwide!